July Metta Meditation

Let’s get together to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Guan Yin Enlightenment Day 觀音成道日 with

Metta Meditation – for World Peace and Harmony

Discover How the Practice of Loving Kindness Meditation

Can Open The Doors of Bliss, Joy and Compassion in Your Life!

Facilitator:  Ruby T  Ong

Tibetan Bowls Player:  Bertha So

July 30, 2021 (Friday) 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm

Allow the calming sound of the Tibetan singing bowls to help you dive into a meditative state.

Learn how to do the Metta Meditation   

Experience the benefits of this meditation technique

Metta is an ancient Pali / Buddhist word that means – universal love and goodwill, universal friendliness or Loving Kindness.  It means a compassion and kindness that is extended towards all beings without any exceptions whatsoever.

The Metta meditation or Loving Kindness meditation is among the most ancient Buddhism meditation practices.  It has been passed on through 2500 years.

It is a Buddhist meditation technique to develop the positive feelings of love, compassion and friendliness towards ourselves, as well as others.  But one does not have to be a Buddhist in order to learn it. 

♡ Love Offering ♡ By Donation

Registration is a must. To join this sacred event, kindly call Reflections on 2504 1333. WhatsApp Ruby T  Ong  9401 4713