“Clear your mind, see through the world full of darkness.
Find the light within, treasure your very own future.”
Reikara is a natural clairvoyant, medium, psychic healer. She is raised in the outlying island of Hong Kong, having an extremely strong connection with our Mother Nature. Her ability allows her to channel through clear and precise vision and messages, and gives proper advices for your highest good in any situation. She is also trained in a Shamanic way, to energetically clear away clusters of negative thoughts, blockage and resistance. She acts as a Light-bringer in life, piercing through the dark moments and allow you to see a bright light on your road.
Reikara 是一位與身俱來的靈視力者、靈性治療者。她在香港的離島長大,與大自然及大地之母有著密不可分的聯繫。她的能力使她可感應到上天的訊息及影像,在任何的事件或處境當中,她也能給予上天指示最好的建議。她也受著薩滿式的訓練,可以清除我們的負面思緒、阻礙及執念。她的角色就像上人生路上的光,照耀著我們正藉陰暗的時間,協助我們找尋問題的出路。
Her Transformation 她的蛻變成長
Her mother described that she got an unusual childhood, while she danced, picked flowers and put them at specific locations. Seemingly she was performing “rituals” to bless the land unconsciously. She has a traditional and faithful family. Her mum and grandma followed many traditional Chinese Buddhism cultural rituals. Reikara’s psychic abilities are somehow inherited from her mother-line.
In the recent years, she came back to Hong Kong from the UK and under Divine guidance she met her life transforming teacher Jerry Santosh. Her teacher guided her through some of the darkest moments in life, and explained how she could work with her own abilities. Her abilities are then reactivated, and is now able to bridge the messages from the Divine to the trapped ones who is asking for a way out. She also feel guided to share her passion and gift to the world, also as her own ascension and transformation journey.
近年,她從英國回來香港,在機玄巧合之下遇到了她的啟蒙老師Jerry Santosh。老師把她從人生某些陰暗的角落引導出來,並指導她怎樣可以好好運用她的靈感能力。她的能力就此重新啟動,從而可以接受到上天給我們的訊息。因為有著這樣的能力,她也很熱衷希望能幫助別人,與大家分享上天給她的恩賜,也作為她自己靈性成長的一部份。
Private Sessions 私人諮詢
Reikara is equipped with many kinds of skills and modalities. She will listen to the call from the Spirit and decide a best way to assist you. You may expect the following in her sessions:
– Shamanic journeys to the lower, middle and upper world
– Psychic visionary reading / projections
– Connection and messages from your power animals / spiritual teachers
– Energy clearing / Energy balancing techniques
– Crystal connections and messages
– Card reading
Reikara 有著各式各樣的技能與治療模式。她會聽由上天的指引,選擇最適當的方式去協助你解決當下的問題。以下是你可能會接收的治療模式:
– 薩滿式心靈旅程(上界、中界、下界)
– 靈視力問事
– 動物守護靈/守護神的訊息
– 能量清洗/能量平衡技術
– 水晶連結及訊息
– 訊息牌占卜問事
Abundance Exchange 豐盛往來:
HKD 588 / 60 mins
HKD 828 / 90 mins
To book a session with Reikara, please call Reflections at 2504 1333 or Email to info@reflections.com.hk or Whatsapp Ruby 6522 0200.