Delving into your MYSTICAL HEART with Fiona Leung

Dream Worker • Shamanic Practitioner • Constellation Facilitator

Jan 13 ,2021 (Wed)   7:15pm – 9 pm HK$333

Heart Center Meditation and Dreamwork 

Come join us for some exciting Dreamwork and to experience the Mystery of the Heart Center, the bedrock of any spiritual development and transformation

Join us in this Heart Center Meditation to attune into your body and take a journey to the center of your heart.  In this meditation, you will be able to access the 4 qualities of the Heart Center : Compassion, Innate Harmony, Healing Presence and Unconditional Love.
Heart Center Meditation will help bring a sense of centeredness to your everyday life and provides you with the spiritual resources to deal with your day-to-day challenges.  It allows you to make contact with your own true nature and connect you with the transpersonal that is unlimited and wise.
It also prepares you to dive into your dreams and help you to decipher dream images. To better understand the messages from dreams, a shift in consciousness is required. Heart Center Meditation will bring about this shift and expand your awareness to greet your larger beinghood… with some fun.

For those who has signed up for the evening, Fiona will send notes on how to ask for a dream before sleep.  We can come with dreams that will teach us on the lessons for 2020 and perhaps something new to prepare us for the new year 2021.


Jan 27, 2021 (Wed) 7:15 pm – 9 pm HK$333

Shamanic Drumming Ritual

Meeting your Spirit Guide

In addition to your powerful animal allies, we all have spirit guides throughout our lives offering us insights and visions.  The Upper World journey complements the shamanic practitioner.  With Spirit Allies in both the Upper and Lower World, this will prepare the practitioner for more in-depth shamanic work.

Shamanic drumming is drumming for the purpose of shamanic journeying.  The intention for this journey will be to meet your Spirit Guide in the Upper World.  (Shamanic power animal usually “resides” in the Lower World.)  The rhythm of the shamanic drumming will lead you to the Upper World that is lighter and more diffused in nature, and where you will meet your own spirit guide and reconnect with their embrace and guidance. 

For your comfort, please wear loose comfortable clothing, bring a blanket, yoga mat, eye mask, water to drink, a pen and notebook. 

Private ‘MYSTICAL HEART’ Sessions (By Appointment Only)

Shamanic Journeying

Duration 1.5 hr HK$1500

  • Soul Retrieval – The shaman’s role is to contact a person’s power animals and guides and journey with them to retrieve energy fragments (bring back soul portions) that may have been moved away or dissociated as a result of trauma such as a break up, a death of a loved one or emotional/physical abuse.  Retrieving these lost aspects brings renewed energy, personal power, groundedness and a sense of self and inner peace.
  • Extraction Healing – a shamanic psychic surgery performed by assisting spirits to rid the client’s body of stuck energies that are no longer serving.
  • Shamanic Healing – identifying, witnessing and transforming past life and present life events.
  • Shamanic Drumming – The healing rhythm of the shaman’s drum can boost the immune system and help remove stress and tension from the body.  Emotions can be recognised and released.  Drumming over the body can be a cleansing and purifying ritual.
  • Meet your Power Animal or Spirit Guide – Through the rhythm of the drum, you will be guided on a personal journey to meet your power animal, spirit guide or object. This restores spiritual power and health and an overall sense of well-being.

In-Depth Integral Healing

First Session: HK$1500/90mins

Follow-up Session: HK$1200/60mins

An in-depth session with Fiona may involve an integration of Dreamwork, Shamanic Healing and Constellation work as a conduit to go beyond our usual sense of being. This expanded awareness can lead us to explore and discover hidden gems, our deeper soul yearning and an appreciation of our personal myth with Life.  The aim is to bring about healing and growth to help us move forward to a more holistic way of living.

The initial consultation will be dedicated to knowing what may seem to be the pending issue.  It can be a physical discomfort, an emotional unrest, an urge for personal growth and expansion, and sometimes even just to dis-cover.

After gaining a deeper understanding of the core issue, with the active participation of the client, appropriate healing modalities will be determined.  The healing systems may involve shamanic healing methods, constellation work and/or a combination of both and other healing techniques.  


Client will achieve a more conscious understanding, new insights and deeper appreciation of his own sense of self, relationships (work, family, love) and a more harmonious connection to his inner Source of Life.


Born and grew up in Hong Kong, Fiona attended college in the US with a major in Electrical Engineering.  A soul calling led her to meet spiritual teacher / Reiki Master Deborah Chan and subsequently Dr. William Brugh Joy in the year 2000 who inducted her into the mysteries of the Heart Center.  From there, Fiona was inspired to venture into other psycho-spiritual arena such as Jungian Depth Psychology, Tibetan Buddhism and Reiki to name a few.  

As part of her spiritual journey, Fiona had travelled to Israel, Mount Kailash and until most recently, she took part in the retreat circles in Mexico conducted by Maria Elena Cairo.  During the retreat, Fiona met a Mayan Healer who helped in unveiling visions, dreams and mystical experiences, guiding her “to return and show the way to self-discovery and live in harmony.”

With Heart Center as her main practice, Fiona has been sitting in Circles with the above mentors for over 20 years.  She has recently completed her Shamanic initiations and Constellation training.  

To join the Heart Center Meditation, the Shamanic Drumming Ritual and / or book a private session with Fiona, please call Reflections on 2504 1333.  WhatsApp Ruby T Ong 9401 4713