ETHERIC ENERGY THERAPY – Integrated Transformative Energy Healing

with Ruby T  Ong

Living Light Energy Master / Teacher

March 27 – 28, 2021   Sat & Sun    10 am – 5 pm

Exchange Abundance:  HK$2200

(Special discount for Sekhem students:  HK$1800)

Etheric Energy Therapy is rooted in many ancient cultures as a simple and painless approach of assisting the body to heal itself. The Etheric Energy structure is located just outside of your physical body, and it functions as a blueprint for the physical body.   It is truly the magical blueprint for your physical experience in this lifetime.  It is possible to heal and adjust the Etheric Body with tremendous, often immediate results in the physical!

This 2-day program begins with basic instruction about the Etheric Body and energy systems that support the physical and etheric structures.  An easy method to enhance any other kind of energy work you already know, the course ends with mastery of many techniques, including Etheric Surgery and Healing!

Etheric Body Healing offers

  • Greater knowledge of energy and how it works
  • Enhance any other kind of energy work you had learned and are now offering
  • Gain insights into the different layers of the auric field
  • Scan chakras, remove blockages from them, and charge them
  • Use this system both for yourself and others either in person or at a distance.
  • Cleansing, energizing and stabilizing energy in the meridians that can keep you healthy
  • Activate your body’s ability to regenerate and rejuvenate
  • Expanding your energy and accelerating your evolution
  • … and many more

This two-day weekend workshop is a ‘learn by discovery’ method, which enables participants to gain awareness and trust in the subtle healing process.

Notes will be provided.  There will be guidance, demonstrations, and interactive participation.  This program is for everyone.  There is no pre-requisite of energy healing required. 


Ruby T. Ong is an experienced healer and caring teacher who endeavours in empowering people.  Ruby operates a spiritual resource center in Hong Kong called Reflections.  Since its establishment in 1998, Reflections has been serving as a platform for people on their spiritual quest.  Ruby has enjoyed a thriving full-time practice for over 19 years as Living Light Energy (Sekhem) Master / Teacher and is a devoted healer and teacher.

Ruby has a strong background in Alternative Healing methods which include Living Light Energy (Sekhem), Pranic Healing, Magnified Healing, Basic Hynotherapy, Universe Energy, Mandala Colouring/Reading, Gong Bath Meditation and Healing, Reflective Counseling.  Since 2009, Ruby has been travelling to China, Malaysia, Singapore, recently to Denmark and France facilitating Sekhem workshops and private healing sessions.  She teaches a number of seminars that focus on the integration of practical spirituality and healing.  She has worked with many people to bring balance and healing to their lives through one-on-one sessions, group presentations, workshops and distance healing.