Upon suggestion by our teenage staff Natasha Mather, who has been assisting Reflections since she was 10 years old (yes, you heard it right!!!), that we need to add some freshness to our website, we have decided to open this new column in our website – ‘Ruby’s Reflections’. When first considering the idea of a blog, I was reminded of the brief articles that I have written over the years and published in our event newsletter called Quest.
Quest is an A5 event newsletter that we published in December 1999 when we first organized the Hong Kong Holistic Fair. Since then, we have made it a point to publish an issue to go with all our holistic events such as: the Mind Body Spirit Open Day, Sacred Dance – Sing, One Spirit ~ One Heart, Hong Kong Yoga Fest, the film showing of the Indigo and the Indigo Evolution … as well as the Exploring Consciousness Film Festival.
The first page of Quest has always been a brief article by yours truly. 🙏🏽
These articles are what I called ‘Impromptu Inspirations’. They are mostly inspired by uncharted incidents that occurred at that point in time. Those incidents triggered me to reflect and ponder … inspiring me to put them into words that genuinely came from my heart and share them with you all.
In this brand new column, I will be sharing some of these writings with you- the Reflections community, in the hope that they will inspire thought and reflection on your part.
As you peek into my humble mind, please see them … feel them from Buddha’s Eye – with compassion and mercy.
Om Shanti 🙏🏽