July 18 & 19, 2020 (Sat & Sun) 10 am – 5 pm
Exchange Abundance: HK$3,200
Bring Along a Friend and Pay HK$2,500 each
Life is a journey to self-mastery. We human beings come to Earth as spiritual beings to experience spirituality in our physical bodies. Before incarnating and coming to Earth, we have a thorough discussion with our Spiritual Guide about what we would like to experience in the coming lifetime. We decide our own lessons, and a contract is being made between the teacher (spiritual guides)” and the student (us)”. They will make sure we are on the right path to experience what we asked for, and they will also give guidance.
In this 2-day workshop, we will learn how to actively connect to our own spiritual guides. Once we re-establish our connection with them, we can do plenty of things such as seeking guidance, protection and healing.
This can be a very beautiful and touching experience. Most of us forget our spirituality/divinity and think that life is full of harsh lessons. Reconnecting to our spiritual guides also reveal some of the memories and feelings in our soul.
Within these 2 days, a lot of clearing and healing will take place. As an ordinary human being, we pick up all kinds of negative emotions and thoughts around us and stored within ourselves – including our own challenges and negative thought patterns, we create very strong stagnant energies on ourselves which made us disconnected from the inner worlds. We have to clear most of the stagnant energies in order to hear or to feel the presence of our guides.
There are rules and laws in the spiritual realm. We have to understand the hierarchy of the world above and below, and learn to discern between good spirits and evil spirits. We also have to learn how to call for protection, to create a sacred space, to seal up particular space, and to turn on and off our psychic abilities at certain times.
**As earlier mentioned, this is an intensive course and a lot of clearing and healing will be done. It is suggested that in the 7 – 14 days before the workshop, do not take coffee and tea, alcohol, tobacco and all kinds of strong spices and irritating food. The light diet will make your auric field clearer and reduce blockages and resistance.
– Who are your spiritual guides and what can they do
– The journey of a soul – from the black hole to a black hole, nothingness to nothingness
– The hierarchy of the spiritual realms (As above, so below.)
– The different realms and their characteristics (Ascended Masters, angels, fairies, mineral guides)
– The Hermetic Laws / The Cosmic Laws
– Meditation “The Central Sun” quick and easy practice
– Meditation “Journey to the Heart” a healing journey to release suppressed emotions
– Healing process “Chakra Cleansing and Cellular Purifications”
– Meditation “Inner child, Adult, Parent, Sage” a soul understanding journey
– Physical balancing exercises
– Technique of calling for protecting and creating sacred space
– Meditation “The lower world journey – Animal Totem” recognize your own power animal
– Learning of discernment “Journey to hell with Goddess Persephone”
– Ways of discernment, notice how the good spirits talk
– Meditation with Kwan Yin “Letting go”
– *Room preparation for the very first connection to your guide
– Connecting to your Master Spiritual Guide
– Meditation “The angel circle” quick and easy practice
– Reconnecting to your Spiritual Guides
– Ways of getting messages from your guides, the writing meditation
– “The trance-state” channeling technique
– Group / Pair practice of getting messages from trance or half trance state
– Call for healing from your Spiritual Guides
– The energy infusion – charging your crystals / items / space with the guides’ energy
– How to turn on and turn off our abilities and why
– The grounding exercise
– Sharings “The journey of being a channel”
– Lots of practices and Q & A session

Gifted with clairvoyance and clairsentience, Jerry has the ability to reveal fractal codes, colours, and images, and he is able to transform these codes for healing purpose.
He transmits codes through toning, sketching and some special hand gestures. He also connects and communicates with the Spirits from the higher and lower realms.
Jerry travels extensively around the world doing healing, teaching and Earth-keeping. In recent past, he had travelled to major cities in Asia such as Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia and China. He also hosts regular meditation evenings and classes locally to support the community in Hong Kong.
Please check out Jerry’s website for his Private sessions details @ http://www.jsanctus.com
To join the workshops and / or book a private session with Jerry, please click here to register online, call Reflections on 2504 1333, or Whatsapp Ruby T Ong 9401 4713 Jerry Sanctus 6522 0200.