July 7, 2020 (Tues) || 7:15 pm – 9 pm || HK$580
Smudging is a cleansing ritual performed through burning incense, and smoke a person or a space using feather / fan. It is well-known in Native American ceremonies. However, smudging has been long in history even in other religions such as Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus and Taoists, among others.
Feather carries the medicine of a power animal. In Shamanic practice, eagle is a sacred bird and eagle feather is a very powerful healing tool. It is difficult and illegal to get genuine eagle feathers now, but we can always select some alternative feathers and imbued them with the power of the eagle.
At the age of 17, Jerry had the blessing of meeting a teacher who studied and lived with the Native Americans in Canada. He was taught and attuned to unleash the secret power of feathers as a healing tool.
In this evening workshop, Jerry will guide a shamanic journey to connect us with the power of the eagle, attuning your own smudging feather / fan, and sharing some techniques of healing and cleansing with the feather.

For this workshop, Jerry had created limited pieces of smudging feathers @ HK$333 each. For those who sign up for the workshop, you will have the priority to purchase the feather since you will need it during the class. While stock lasts.

Gifted with clairvoyance and clairsentience, Jerry has the ability to reveal fractal codes, colours, and images, and he is able to transform these codes for healing purpose.
He transmits codes through toning, sketching and some special hand gestures. He also connects and communicates with the Spirits from the higher and lower realms.
Jerry travels extensively around the world doing healing, teaching and Earth-keeping. In recent past, he had travelled to major cities in Asia such as Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia and China. He also hosts regular meditation evenings and classes locally to support the community in Hong Kong.
Please check out Jerry’s website for his Private sessions details @ http://www.jsanctus.com
To join the workshops and / or book a private session with Jerry, please click here to register online, call Reflections on 2504 1333, or Whatsapp Ruby T Ong 9401 4713 Jerry Sanctus 6522 0200.