
December 19, 2020 (Sat)    2:30 pm – 4 pm

Inspired by the spirit of festive joy, we are organizing a Native American give-away tradition.  Join us in this meaningful programme, you will be amazed by the outcome of what you intend to give away and what you are going to receive!

In Native American cultures, the Give Away Ceremony is the ultimate act of selfless living.  Rather than expect guests to shower a person with gifts on a special occasion, the reverse occurs:  the honoured individual presents everyone else with something special.

An underlying value of the give away is to keep one’s belongings to a minimum, sharing abundance with all those around.  The ancestors did not equate a person’s wealth with possessions, so the give-away not only showed generosity, but kept a light load for easy travel.  It also showed a great trust in spirit in that you were always provided for and taken care of.

Every one today seems to have more possessions than they actually need.  Take a look around and see what items are absolute and essential.  Use the give-away as a means to clear space in your physical environment.  This will help lead to sharper focus and increased creativity and spiritual abundance.

Some tips:

Undertake the ceremony in a spiritual manner.  If you are looking to dump your tackiest stuff, then your heart is in the wrong place.  If you are doing this as a plan to amass future favors or to manipulate the laws of cause and effect, then stop right now.  The focus should be on the joy that you will bring to others with your gifts.

Take your time in choosing what to give away:  Go through your possessions and make a connection between the gift and someone dear to you.  If not then meditate and allow spirit to help you as you go.

Clean energy.  Clean the gift physically and spiritually.  Clean it and make it look like new. 

Gift wrap it.  Make it beautiful and unique.  So the person receiving it feels special and can feel and appreciate the beauty of the gift.   

Personally acknowledge each and every recipient.  Let each person in your give away know why you are giving them this, what the gift mean to you, and your wishes and prayers for that person and their family.

***Please come 15 minutes before the event.  Bring the gift early so that we can smudge the objects prior to releasing them to ensure a new and clean energy 

***Light snack will be served after the ceremony.

Exchange abundance:  HK$111

To join this meaningful ceremony, please sign up early for us to make necessary preparation.  You can  call Reflections on 2504 1333.  Whatsapp Ruby T  Ong 9401 4713.