Jan 24 – Kwan Yin Immersion Level 1~3 with Jerry Santosh

This is a course dedicated to the loving-kindness and wisdom of Goddess Kwan Yin. The course consists of three levels. It is aimed to heal every layer of our consciousness, through going into different aspect of life. Goddess Kwan Yin will guide us through meditative journeys. There will be 3~4 journeys in each level of the course, from the surface to the root of all our resistance. Although the topics seem to be simple and common, Goddess Kwan Yin arranges specific ways to her students to learn and understand.
The journeys are meant to seek for any clusters of thought that we have, that might not be a very pleasant experience. However, she always stresses the importance of “experience”. There is no other way to learn, other than learning through experience. If there had been a comfortable way, Kwan Yin should have taken all our challenges away. Thus, this course is clarified as “advanced” or “master class” series, to clearly state the course is calling for participants seeking for transformation and insight.
“In the mercy of the Goddesses, allow all not to be undone but resolved.”
Workshop Date:
Level 1 – to be announced
Level 2 – 24 Jan 2016
Level 3 – to be announced

Level 1 – The Initiation
– Healing of “The Father Line”
– Healing of Patriarchal power, the pride, the arrogant
– Healing of the pain from brutal forces in any kind (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
– Healing of the mind
Level 2 – The Loving-kindness
– Healing of “The Mother line”
– Healing of the fear and separations from the womb
– Healing of the attachment & unforgiving thoughts
– Healing of the emotions
Level 3 – The Wise One (full day workshop)
– Healing of the unraveled pain and distortions
– Healing of the persistent loops and patterns
– Healing of the soul, self-realization and self-mastery
– Basic understanding and practice of meditation
– Physically, emotionally, and mentally stable
– An open heart, and a surrendering mind
***Finishing Level 1 and 2 are compulsory for entry of Level 3.



​Jerry is a natural clairvoyance and clairsentience. His ability reveals energies & vibrations in fractal grid lines and codes. He is able to perform healing through unifying and aligning our energy grids through toning, special hand gestures, and intuitive sketch.

Starting from 2005, Jerry provides psychic readings and spiritual development classes in different countries. Through the years he is well-trained through immense studies with different Masters, ​on Taoism, Buddhism, Energy healing, Angel & Crystal therapy, Shamanic Journeys, etc. He is now recognized and credited by his one-of-his-kind channeling sessions and classes, sharing his unique understanding to the Spirit world.

Fully utilizing all his techniques, Jerry’s consultation is truthful, insightful, yet gentle. He is an exceptional & life-changing healer, his sincerity and humility are well applauded.

More about Jerry please check his website at http://www.thegrids.us/

In the generosity of the Divine Infinite, let the financial matter not be an obstacle in seeking light and wisdom.

Abundance Exchage:
Level 1   HKD 333
Level 2   HKD 333
Level 3   HKD 777
*Special discount for 3 levels package @HKD 1,000 only. Only valid for registration before 7th Nov, 2015.
For registration, please call 2504 1333 or whatsapp 6522 0200.

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