Online class with Astrologer NANCY AUSPELMYER

During these unusual times,
we are still here to serve you!

Between Heaven & Earth:
How the Heavens Affect and Guide Us

Online class by Nancy Auspelmyer
International Author, Astrologer & Transformational Life Journey Guide

September 28 and 29 evenings 7:30 pm – 9pm

Exchange Abundance:  HK$780

Align with your life purpose energetically by connecting with the heavens!

During two 1 ½ hour classes, we will demystify the wisdom of the heavens as it pertains to our lives on Earth.

We will explore how the blueprint for our life’s journey is imprinted at the moment of our birth, and what it has to teach us about what we are here to learn and experience if we are to grow in consciousness.

A wondrous dimension opens to us when we are able to map the rhythm of the heavens and see its projection onto our astrological chart, making it come alive in new ways. We come to realize we are participants in a much greater plan – one we share with our human family – each of us with our individual stories and journeys toward wholeness to contribute to our collective evolution.

About Nancy Auspelmyer

International Author, Astrologer, and Transformational Life Journey Guide, Nancy Auspelmyer focuses her spiritual work on creating opportunities to expand awareness, understanding the soul journey, building community, and preparing for the future of the human family.  Over the last 35 years, Nancy has conducted classes and workshops, individual and group guidance, as well as leading spiritual travel to sacred sites across the globe.

To join the 2-evening class with Nancy, please whatsapp Ruby T  Ong on  9401 4713. 

Advanced payment is required.  Bank account details will be provided for easy bank transfer.   

After settlement of payment, we will inform you of the Zoom ID.

Participants are advised to show up 15 minutes before the commencement of the class.