JUL 9 – Online Presentation 2020 OVERVIEW Preparing for Humanity’s Future with Nancy Auspelmyer

International Author, Astrologer &
Transformational Life Journey Guide

July 9, 2020 (Thursday)     7:30 pm – 8:45 pm
Exchange Abundance: HK$444


What else is in store for humanity in the second half of 2020?

With a myriad of variables that will influence trends for the second half of 2020,

are you prepared for it?

At the half-way point, 2020 is already proving to be a year like no other in our lifetime. It is indeed a transformational year but is fraught with struggles and hardships that are designed to help us free ourselves from outmoded perspectives and beliefs.

Humanity is poised for a makeover, but we may not be aware that our responses to the challenges of this year will determine what comes next and what our world will look like when this cycle comes to an end.

The eclipses* of this year offer challenging and potentially disruptive energies to encourage us, individually and collectively, to make necessary changes so that we can experience soul awakening, expansion of awareness and growth in consciousness.

This exploratory talk about the 2020 energies will guide us to discover the nature of the celestial influences and examine just what is being asked of us so that we can be co-contributors of a new paradigm for the human family.

* Eclipses in 2020 
June 5 Full Moon lunar eclipse
June 21 Annular solar eclipse (rare and powerful)
July 5 Lunar eclipse

*To avoid disruption and disturbance, participants are requested to show up 10 minutes before the program.

About Nancy Auspelmyer
International Author, Astrologer, and Transformational Life Journey Guide, Nancy Auspelmyer focuses her spiritual work on creating opportunities to expand awareness, understanding soul journey, building community, and preparing for the future of the human family.

Over the last 35 years, Nancy has conducted classes and workshops, individual and group guidance, as well as leading spiritual travel to sacred sites across the globe.

Exchange Abundance:  HK$444
Space is limited.
To join this resourceful talk with Nancy,
please call Reflections on 2504 1333.
Whatsapp Ruby T Ong 9401 4713 
Chiu Lai Kuen 9673 8077