Path to the MYSTICAL HEART with Fiona Leung

Dream Worker • Shamanic Practitioner • Constellation Facilitator


February 20, 2021 (Sat)  2:30pm – 4:30pm

Exchange Abundance: HK$380

Where Is The Rhythm Of Your Soul?

Sound and movement are some of the most ancient and powerful ways to achieve balance.

Many emotions and feelings of joy, grief, anger, peace and ecstasy to name a few are stored in the body. In this afternoon, we will get in touch with our deeper selves and allow them to have a voice and expression. We will sing and dance and see how it can help with our emotions and mental clutter, cultivating focus and flow in our lives.

Fiona will lead a short movement exercise to get us warmed up. What is to follow is ours to create.

Instruments such as drums, rattles, rain stick, etc. will be provided. Participants can also bring their own instruments to play, to create sounds, rhythms and sing along. This will be a fun and invigorating event and we shall leave feeling energised and lighter.


For your enjoyment, please wear loose comfortable clothing for you to move around, bring water to drink, and a pen and notebook to drop down your reflections after.


An in-depth session with Fiona may involve an integration of Dreamwork, Shamanic Healing and Constellation as a conduit to go beyond our usual sense of being. This expanded awareness can lead us to explore and discover hidden gems, our deeper soul yearning and an appreciation of our personal myth with Life.  The aim is to bring about healing and to help us grow and develop towards a more holistic way of living.

The initial consultation will be dedicated to knowing what may seem to be the pending issue.  It can be a physical discomfort, an emotional unrest, an urge for personal growth and expansion, and sometimes even just to dis-cover.

After gaining a deeper understanding of the core issue, with the active participation of the client, appropriate healing modalities will be determined.  The healing systems may involve shamanic healing methods, constellation work and/or a combination of both and other healing techniques. 


Client will achieve a more conscious understanding, new insights and deeper appreciation of his own sense of self, relationships (work, family, love) and a more harmonious connection to his inner Source of Life.

Exchange Abundance:

First session: HK$1500 for 90 minutes 

Follow-up Session: HK$1200 for 1 hour / HK$1500 for 90 minutes / $2000 for 2 hours


Born and grew up in Hong Kong, Fiona attended college in the US with a major in Electrical Engineering.  A soul calling led her to meet spiritual teacher / Reiki Master Deborah Chan and subsequently Dr. William Brugh Joy in the year 2000 who inducted her into the mysteries of the Heart Center.  From there, Fiona was inspired to venture into other psycho-spiritual arena such as Jungian Depth Psychology, Tibetan Buddhism and Reiki to name a few.

As part of her spiritual journey, Fiona had travelled to Israel, Mount Kailash and until most recently, she took part in the retreat circles in Mexico conducted by Maria Elena Cairo.  During the retreat, Fiona met a Mayan Healer who helped in unveiling visions, dreams and mystical experiences, guiding her “to return and show the way to self-discovery and live in harmony.”

With Heart Center as her main practice, Fiona has been sitting in Circles with the above mentors for over 20 years.  She has recently completed her Shamanic initiations and Constellation training. 

To join this event, and / or book a private session for an In-Depth Integral Healing with Fiona, please call Reflections on 2504 1333.  WhatsApp Ruby T Ong 9401 4713