A Marvelous Gift for Yourself

Facilitator: Ruby T Ong

Living Light Energy (Sekhem) Master / Teacher, Reflective Counsellor

GOAL OF THIS PRESENTATION:  Set in a safe and caring environment, this workshop aims to allow the participants to share in this process of discovery, not necessarily to inform, complain, or reveal their deepest secrets. 工作坊是旨在學習自我反醒,視察靈修成長的狀況

Come and celebrate life – our aliveness.  Discover the unfolding of the miracles of life … Lighten up, be open to embrace all the changes that are happening in the world with joy, trust and personal action. 揭開人生的奇蹟

Why wait till an adversity to occur in order to wake up to the reality of life?   The reflective moment is an opportunity to offer ourselves a quiet period during the day to seek peace, comfort, healing … and above all, to put our life in tune with the Divine. 寧静下來,讓我們的人生意志,與上天的意志吻合

The purpose of giving ourselves a reflective moment is to look back on an experience and determine its meaning or significance in light of our life.  重温經驗,正視其对我們生活中的意義

Reflection can be a meaningful exercise when we reflect carefully about what the event or idea means for us and our ongoing progress as a learner in this University of Life .  It is more of a personal exercise than other kinds of mental task.  In the process of reflecting, we may come to realize the many moments of adversities that we had gone through and that we can transform these adversities into an aid to spiritual higher consciousness. 人生的挫折,可以轉化為一股提升靈性意識的力量

How are you constructing your web of life?

How you wish to be remembered?

Conducted over a series of five 2-hr evening workshops … Count yourself in and be prepared for a time of deepening, healing and transformation.

  • Learn the secrets of being true to yourself and living your truths
  • Be strongly rooted in their quest for spiritual growth
  • Walk the spiritual path responsibly and with commitment
  • Learn how to “lighten up” your life.  Let go of heaviness, sorrow, parts of your life that no longer serve you.  Replace them with new found freedom, happiness and joyful celebration dances
  • Learn how to develop daily practices that will shift your attitudes and will raise your vibration to a higher level.

To enhance the awareness of participants to the topic of that particular evening session and to help them in their reflective process, activities lined up for the evening will include lectures, interactive discussions, exercises either to do in class or to take home. 

There won’t be group sharing after working on the exercises.  The objective is to instill a process of reflecting, learning, growing and moving on with our life with a higher consciousness.

Through respectful nurturing and loving celebration, we will dance with life and enjoy the brilliance of beauty in life!

Target audience:  Everyone!!

Workshop Duration: 5-week period (every Thursday evening)

Dates: July 8, 15, 22, 29, August 5

Time: 7:15 pm – 9:15 pm

Exchange abundance: HK$300 per session, HK$1,200 for 5 weeks in advance (a saving of HK$300 and a commitment to yourself!)