Self Care in Health with Chiu Lai Kuen

May 21, 2022 (Sat) 2 pm – 6:30 pm HK$780


Donna Eden, Master Teacher Healer and Founder of Eden Energy Medicine, (aka EEM, the Eden Method), has the gift of clairvoyantly seeing the body’s subtle energies from childhood. After having healed herself from debilitating illnesses, she has embarked on a 40-year (and ongoing) journey to teach people to reclaim health and empower themselves for joy and vitality.

She has categorized the body’s complex, multi-layered energy anatomy into nine primary inter-related systems. While some are widely known such as the meridians, the chakras and the aura, other energy systems such as Radiant Circuits, Celtic Weave, Electrics and the Basic Grid are not as widely recognized.

In this interactive workshop, Chiu offers you a closer look at all nine systems that Donna recognizes by energy testing them. Chiu would also teach a Daily Energy Routine (DER) for you to do every day in less than 10 minutes, to help bring your body’s energies into harmony and cohesion, allowing your body’s innate healing power to flourish.


June 18, 2022 (Sat) 10 am – 5 pm


for self and family care

Acutonics® is the system of vibration sound healing rooted in Oriental Medicine and philosophy, connecting body, mind and soul in the journey toward optimal health and spiritual attunement with all the things in the Universe.

The sounds of the Universe are brought into health care through the use of precision calibrated planetary tuning forks and symphonic planetary gongs. Acupressure points and chakras provide non-invasive access into these core energy systems within the body.

This is a one-day workshop geared for anyone interested in Acutonics® for self- care, family care, or incorporating Acutonics into your profession. Learn how to use the healing vibration and sound of ohm tuning forks to return the body, mind, and emotions to a balanced state. Common ailments such as allergies, viral/bacteria illness, mental clarity, digestive disorders, migraines, ADHD, and stress are addressed.

In this workshop, we will work with 2 OHM tuning forks for energy balancing and self-healing. You will learn:

– Key acupuncture points

– A simple 3-minute Self-Care Protocol

– Self-help energy balancing protocol

– A basic energy balancing protocol for helping other people

This will be a time for learning about and experiencing the Acutonics® tuning forks.

Exchange Abundance: HK$$1600

Early Bird: $1400 (on or before May 15) and

Exchange Abundance: HK$$2050 inclusive of 2 x Ohm tuning forks (mid frequency) + 1 x Belt Acuvator)


Integrative Energy Medicine & Acutonics® HK$1350 for 75-90 minutes (including consultation)

Astrotonics HK$1800 for 2 hrs (inclusive of preparation of natal astrological chart before the healing session. Client needs to provide DOB, time and place)

Rose of Sophia® HK$1800 for 2 hrs (inclusive of preparation of natal astrological chart before the healing session. Client needs to provide DOB, time and place)

*Prerequisite: Client is advised to receive a healing session of Integrated Energy Medicine before booking a session of Astrotonics or Rose of Sophia
®, this is to prepare the energetic bodies of the client for the shift that the healing will bring about on the soul realm.

Chiu Lai-Kuen has studied under Donna Eden and her faculty and completed a 4-year training programme in the US to become an Advanced Practitioner of the Eden Method. She is passionate in following Donna’s mission of empowering people to tune into the wisdom of the body’s energy to become and stay vital, healthy and joyful.

To join the workshop and / or book a private session with Ms Chiu, please call Reflections on 2504 1333 Whatsapp Ruby T Ong 9401 4713 Chiu L K 9673 8077