
Basking in one of nature’s hotels located on the edge of Tung Wan Beach on Cheung Chau Island, we invite you for a first-of-a-kind Shamanic Retreat gathering in Hong Kong. It would be a wonderful opportunity to have some away time while exploring and engaging in sacred practices that cleanse your soul, clear the stagnant energies, and rekindle the power of divine flow within you and your life. Together, we will deepen your relationship to Mother Earth and your own spiritual gifts through indigenous healing ceremonies, journeying, and initiations of Andean lineage.

What’s included

  • 3-day all inclusive retreat program
  • All meals (6) from arrival day dinner to departure day lunch
  • 2 nights comfortable accommodation
  • Program materials and facilitation
  • Handouts and class notes will be sent to you 3 days before the retreat begins


  • Check-in time: 3:00pm, 17-Dec (Fri)
  • Check-out time: 12:00pm, 19-Dec (Sun)

Please bring

  • For your comfort, please wear loose clothing that you can move and sit in
  • Please bring your drum and rattles if you have them
  • Bring with you a yoga mat, blanket or shawl, an eye mask for covering your eyes while journeying, and your water bottle and thermals
  • A notebook and pen to record your journeys and other notes

Prices: HK$ 10,988 (Single occupancy, 1 Queen Bed)

 HK$ 9,888 (Double occupancy, 1 Queen Bed)

Bookings close on 21-Nov with full payment

For Registration and to find out more about this retreat, please call Reflections on 2504 1333 or WhatsApp Ruby Ong (9401 4713).

You may also call Fiona (9866 6550) and Renu (6072 6590).

I give gratitude to each of you for joining us and sharing this exciting program offered for the first time in Hong Kong.


Born and grew up in Hong Kong, Fiona attended college in the US with a major in Electrical Engineering. A soul calling led her to meet spiritual teacher / Reiki Master Deborah Chan and subsequently Dr. William Brugh Joy in the year 2000 who inducted her into the mysteries of the Heart Center. From there, Fiona was inspired to venture into other psycho-spiritual arenas such as Jungian Depth Psychology, Tibetan Buddhism, Shamanism, and Systemic wisdom to name a few. As part of her spiritual journey, Fiona had traveled to Israel, Mount Kailash and until most recently, she took part

in the retreat circles in Mexico conducted by Maria Elena Cairo. During the last three retreats that she undertook, Fiona met a Mayan Healer who helped in unveiling visions, dreams, and mystical experiences, guiding her “to return and show the way to self- discovery and live in harmony.” She has completed her shamanic initiations and recently her Systemic work training.

~Founder of Yuan Rong She (

~Heart Center Meditation and Dream Circles for over 20 years

~Completed the Core Shamanic Healing Series, and Advanced 3-Year Shamanic Initiations with the Foundation of the Shamanic Studies in 2017

~Circle Member of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies

~High Level Family Constellations Training from TAOS Academy of Systemic Constellations

~Family Systemic Constellator – Vantage from Chinese Association for Life Care

~Organizational Systemic Constellation Facilitator Training jointly by TAOS Academy of Systemic Constellations and Bert Hellinger Instituut Nederland


My journey on the path of healing started when I learnt Reiki in 2006, as I wanted to heal my asthmatic infant. My passion and healing abilities made me learn all levels of Reiki within one year. In 2010, I learned to work with many other healing modalities like Aura Soma, Crystals, and Munay-Ki rights.

After learning Munay-Ki, I was eager to learn more about the Andean teachings. I felt a deeper connection with the Andean energies and thus began to walk on the path of shamanism. I travelled to the Netherlands

often to meet the Qeros, who were native shamans from Peru. Their eyes were filled with love, each word they spoke, even though in Quechua, spread love.

I also was simultaneously learning shamanic courses taught by Foundation for Shamanic Studies. These courses were developed by combining shamanic techniques taught by shamans around the world. I was proud to be in the first batch of the 3 years – advanced shamanic initiations for Asia pacific.

I have been a Shamanic practitioner since 2014, with many satisfied clients who have taken healing sessions and training on shamanism and am currently learning Breathwork techniques. My website (under construction)